May I Introduce…

Wed 5-06

UPDATE: I’ve actually done some work on this today, off and on. The platen is recovered and conditioned. The typebars, -heads, and -faces are cleaned. The margin sets are cleaned and polished, along with their bar. The paper rest is fully functional and unbent — along with the name plate. Miscellaneous things have been cleaned as well.

Just chugging along and enjoying my time with this. I’m learning new things this time around and using different techniques. Thankfully the new things are good and the techniques are giving excellent results.

Frankly, I’m really proud of the unbent paper rest. Such a simple thing, but for some reason, I have an inkling people would consider that part “dead”.

4 thoughts on “May I Introduce…

    • Yeah. I’d like to get my paws on a Hermes Rocket and/or Baby to compare. There are a few good ultra portables out there. Cost-wise, these seem to hit the mark better in terms of quality-to-cost ratio.


  1. I took delivery of a similar model earlier this week! Serial number is 2Y 270950, which dates it to around 1954-55. The short carriage return lever takes a little getting used to. I’m tempted to repaint it in a different colour, but I’ll have to figure out the best method for removing the existing colour, which is the same military/industrial as yours. Great typing action on these machines. Best of luck with your refurbishment. I’ll be watching closely.


    • It isn’t too hard to change the colors. đŸ™‚ The thing you have to worry about is the internal felt — which isnt the highest quality — and the fact that if you sand it, you may be releasing lead dust into the air. If you do go the sanding route, for the love of your own health, please wear a suitable mask. Clean-up is an annoyance as the true proceedure requires vacuuming with a HEPA equiped vacuum followed up with a wet mop of all surfaces.

      From experience, there are primers that /do not/ require sanding. Instead, they just need a very clean surface. That can easily be acquired on these machines. đŸ™‚


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